
In terms of tuberculosis cases, Indonesia is second only to India. Successful outcomes in the treatment of tuberculosis depend on patient compliance with their prescribed medication. The MARS (Medication Adherence Report Scale) questionnaire can be used to assess medication adherence in tuberculosis patients. The researchers in this study set out to see if the MARS questionnaire was sufficiently valid and reliable to be used with tuberculosis (TB) patients in Indonesia. Descriptive quantitative analysis using a cross-sectional design was employed for this study. The MARS survey was the instrument used for this study. Sixty tuberculosis patients from the Lamongan District Health Center met the inclusion criteria and made up the sample size of 70. Sampling with the help of a planned strategy. Apply the Pearson Product Moment correlation test to the questionnaire to see if it is reliable. The Cronbach alpha coefficient was used to determine the questionnaire's reliability in this study. According to the data, the r count correlation value was higher than the r table value of 0.2542. The Cronbach Alpha Coefficient obtained from the reliability analysis was 0.486. The results of the validity and reliability tests indicated that the Indonesian translation of the MARS questionnaire was a valid and reliable tool for gauging the degree to which TB patients took their prescribed medications as directed. Adherence should be measured with a reliable questionnaire or instrument to ensure accurate results.

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