
Guided discovery learning based E-module is a teaching material in electronic to support independent learning that follow the stages of guided discovery learning model. The development research was conducted to develop and analyse the validity and practicality of this e-module on colligative properties of solution material for class XII high school chemistry learning. The type of research is educational design research using the Plomp development model consisting of (1) preliminary research, (2) prototyping stage, (3) assessment phase. The e-module was validated by eight validators who are four UNP chemistry lecturers and four chemistry teachers using an instrument in the form of validity questionnaire, while the practicality test was carried out at SMA N 8 Padang by 27 students and three teachers with an instrument in the form of a practicality questionnaire. The questionnaire analysis was performed using the Content Validity Ratio (CVR) for content validation and Aiken V formula for construct validation and practicality. From the results, the data indicate that the solution based colligative properties e-module based on guided discovery learning for chemistry learning in class XII senior high school has valid and practical values.


  • E-modul berbasis guided discovery learning merupakan bahan ajar dalam bentuk elektronik untuk mendukung pembelajaran mandiri yang dilengkapi dengan tahapan guided discovery learning

  • Guided discovery learning based E-module is a teaching material in electronic to support independent learning that follow the stages of guided discovery learning model

  • The e-module was validated by eight validators who are four UNP chemistry lecturers and four chemistry teachers using an instrument in the form of validity questionnaire, while the practicality test was carried out at SMA N 8 Padang by 27 students and three teachers with an instrument in the form of a practicality questionnaire

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Berdasarkan kurikulum 2013 sifat koligatif larutan merupakan materi kimia SMA yang memiliki dimensi pengetahuan faktual, konseptual, prosedural dan metakognitif, serta memiliki ranah konkret dan abstrak. Hasil angket selanjutnya menyatakan 78,5% peserta didik mengalami kesulitan untuk memahami konsep sifat koligatif larutan, ini diakibatkan oleh pembelajaran yang berpusat pada guru dan rendahnya motivasi peserta didik. Pengembangan modul berbasis guided discovery learning yang dikembangkan pada materi redoks dan sel elektrokimia oleh Yerimadesi diperoleh hasil bahwasanya modul tersebut valid dan praktis[6]. Pemahaman materi sifat koligatif larutan yang bersifat abstrak dapat lebih mudah dipahami dengan adanya pemodelan atau animasi melalui video agar meminimalisir kesalahan konsep[7]. Dari permasalahan tersebut dilakukan pengembangan e-modul sampai tahapan uji validitas dan praktikalitas sebagai bahan ajar yang dapat dijadikan alternatif pendukung dalam pelaksanaan proses pembelajaran

Membandingkan sifat koligatif larutan elektrolit dan nonelektrolit
Prototipe III
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