
Abstract. This paper describes the validity analysis of applied statistical teaching materials based on ICT and project integrated which one of the first step of research and development, namely expert judgment. The instruments used in this study are the validation sheet of materials and ICT experts. The material expert validation sheet comprises 44 statements covering 4 aspects of the assessment, namely the feasibility of the material aspect, the feasibility of the language aspect, the feasibility of the teaching materials presentation aspect, and the feasibility of teaching effects on the student learning process. The ICT expert validation sheet consists of 15 statements regarding the assessment of the feasibility of teaching materials in terms of ICT aspects. Validator involved in this research is 3 experts. Data of this research are analyzed descriptively. The result of research indicate that 86,60% criteria of material aspect have been fulfilled and categorized as very good (4,33), 86% criteria of language aspect have been fulfilled and categorized as very good (4,30), 90% has been fulfilled and categorized as excellent (4.50), 96.60% criteria of the effects of the teaching materials on the learning process of students have been fulfilled and categorized as excellent (4.83), and 94.60% criteria of ICT aspects have been met and categorized as excellent (4.73). Based on these data, 91.60% of the criteria for the assessment of the feasibility of applied statistical teaching materials based on ICT and project integrated developed have been fulfilled, classified as excellent category (4.58) and appropriate for use in learning.
 Keywords: Validity, Teaching Materials, ICT, Project
 Abstrak. Artikel ini berisi tentang analisis validitas bahan ajar statistka terapan berbasis ICT terintegrasi proyek yang merupakan salah satu bagian dari penelitian pengembangan (research and development) tahap pertama, yaitu expert judgement. Intrumen yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah lembar validasi ahli materi dan ahli ICT. Lembar validasi ahli materi terdiri 44 pernyataan yang mencakup 4 aspek penilaian, yaitu kelayakan aspek materi, kelayakan aspek penggunaan bahasa, kelayakan aspek penyajian bahan ajar, dan kelayakan efek bahan ajar terhadap proses belajar mahasiswa. Lembar validasi ahli ICT terdiri dari 15 pernyataan mengenai penilaian kelayakan bahan ajar ditinjau dari aspek ICT. Validator yang terlibat dalam penelitian ini adalah 2 orang ahli di bidang pendidikan matematika dan 1 orang ahli bidang ICT. Data hasil penelitian ini dianalisis secara deskriptif. Adapun hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 86,60% kriteria kelayakan aspek materi sudah terpenuhi dan tergolong kategori sangat baik (4,33), 86% kriteria kelayakan aspek kebahasaan sudah terpenuhi dan tergolong kategori sangat baik (4,30), 90% kriteria kelayakan aspek penyajian sudah terpenuhi dan tergolong kategori sangat baik (4,50), 96,60% kriteria kelayakan efek bahan ajar terhadap proses belajar mahasiswa sudah terpenuhi tergolong kategori sangat baik (4,83), serta 94,60% kriteria kelayakan aspek ICT sudah terpenuhi dan tergolong kategori sangat baik (4,73). Berdasarkan data tersebut, 91,60% kriteria penilaian kelayakan bahan ajar statistika terapan berbasis ICT terintegrasi proyek yang dikembangkan secara keseluruhan sudah terpenuhi dan tergolong kategori sangat baik (4,58) serta layak digunakan dalam pembelajaran.
 Kata kunci: Validitas, Bahan Ajar, ICT, Proyek

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