
The Timepix4 is an application-specific integrated circuit developed by the Medipix4 collaboration. The chip is a 448x512 matrix that can be connected, via bump-bonding, to pixelated sensors of various materials and thicknesses, forming application specific detection systems. Among the Timepix4 operating modes, the data-driven Time-of-Arrival - Time-Over-Treshold is a particularly promising mode for spectral imaging applications: data packets are generated every time the charge created by the incoming radiation goes above a pre-defined threshold, allowing the count of the detected particles and their energy measurement. This article investigates the spectroscopic characteristics of a Timepix4 assembly equipped with a 300 μm Si sensor, using monochromatic X-ray beams in the energy range 8.5 keV - 40 keV working at the SYRMEP beamline of the Elettra synchrotron. The accuracy and the energy resolution of the reconstructed energy spectra, together with an energy resolution model, will be presented.

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