
To contribute to the validation of the revised BMI-MNA-SF and CC- MNA-SF with regard to association and agreement with the full-MNA, considered as gold standard, in nursing homes in Spain. Prospective analysis. Nursing homes. Eight hundred ninety five subjects aged 65 or older meeting inclusion criteria. Correlation, diagnostic accuracy and agreement between the revised MNA short forms and the MNA full form. The MNA-SFs correlated strongly with the full MNA version (Pearson's correlation coefficient r=0.904; p<0.001). High values of sensitivity, specificity and predictive values were obtained for the BMI- MNA-SF and CC-MNA-SF against the full-MNA when the dichotomized categorizations "malnourished-at risk of malnutrition" vs. "well nourished" and "malnourished" vs "at risk of malnutrition-well nourished" were considered (Youden's index at least 0.695 in all cases). Areas under the ROC curves also reached high values (BMI-SF: 0.950 and CC-SF: 0.923 for the first categorization; BMI-SF: 0.979 and CC-SF: 0.978 for the second one) showing both tests excellent accuracy with the full-MNA. The agreement between the MNA-SFs and the full-MNA was quantified as the percentage of correct classifications. The BMI-MNA-SF classified 83.80% correctly and the CC-MNA-SF classified 78.55% correctly. Significant proportions of subjects were underestimated by both MNA-SFs. Just about 6% of overestimations were found in both cases. The revised BMI-MNA-SF and CC-MNA-SF are rapid, easy and reliable tools capable to identify malnourished individuals and those who are at risk of malnutrition with minimal misclassifications with potential harm in nursing home residents. Due to the special characteristics of elderly staying in these institutions, the CC-MNA-SF is a good option to replace the BMI-MNA-SF when BMI is not available.

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