
The rabies vaccine is produced by inactivation of rabies virus propagated on BHK 21 cells. In the rabies inactivation process, BEI is added at a final concentration of 1.6 mM to the viral harvest at 37 °C, followed by a second dose of BEI at 24 h post-inactivation. Inactivation was confirmed by the mice innocuity test and tissue culture amplification test as per B.P (Vet) 2004. Validation of test procedure is essential as per cGMP requirement. The dose of BEI was validated by using lower and higher concentrations of BEI in inactivation process. The study indicated that BEI at a lower concentration (0.4 mM) was able to inactivate the rabies virus within 30 h and the routine concentration (1.6 mM) of BEI is effective in inactivating rabies virus within 18 h. The amplification test used for confirming the inactivation of the live virus was validated by spiking the sample with different dilutions of pretitrated live rabies virus. The test revealed that the amplification method is sensitive to detect live rabies virus if present in the inactivated sample. The validation of BEI as an inactivant and the amplification test are discussed.

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