
Several reactive flow modeling capabilities are studied and applied to physics problems of interest in the PAGOSA hydrocode with an emphasis on validation. The Davis equation of state and the Arrhenius shock temperature dependent WSD (AWSD) reactive flow model have been implemented by the author in PAGOSA over the last year. These high-explosive modeling options along with the previously existing HE-JWL equation of state and the SURF/SURFplus reactive flow models are discussed, exercised and compared. Validation of the models analyze numerical results against experimental data from cylinder tests, two-stage gas gun experiments and proton radiography (pRad) experiments. Applications of the modeling options are explored involving both HMX based PBX 9501 and TATB based PBX 9502. The effect of mesh size is considered for prediction of phenomena such as corner turning and dead zones, and the relative code performance of the modeling options is discussed.

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