
Kinetic profile predictions of ITER PFPO-1 plasmas require high accuracy in the central electron temperatures to be applied to the calculation of third harmonic electron cyclotron absorption. Correctly predicting the transition from L-mode to H-mode further requires precise estimates of the ion heat flux in the periphery of the plasma. Recent versions of the quasi-linear transport models TGLF and QuaLiKiz were tested against an extensive set of experimental results from ASDEX Upgrade (AUG) and JET-ILW, where the focus was put on AUG plasmas heated by ECRH. Spectra obtained from TGLF are compared to a set of linear gyrokinetic simulations performed with GKW. Electron and ion temperature profiles obtained with TGLF-SAT1geo show good agreement with the experimental profiles, but there is a slight tendency to underpredict central T e and T i at high ratios T e/T i. QuaLiKiz yields reasonable results for T e and T i profiles in plasmas where the ion temperature gradient mode is dominant, but predicts a significantly too weak transport in the presence of dominant trapped electron modes in conditions of strong central electron heating.

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