
PurposeTo validate the accuracy of 4D Monte Carlo (4DMC) simulations to calculate dose deliveries to a deforming anatomy in the presence of realistic respiratory motion traces. A previously developed deformable lung phantom comprising an elastic tumor was modified to enable programming of arbitrary motion profiles. 4D simulations of the dose delivered to the phantom were compared with the measurements. MethodsThe deformable lung phantom moving with irregular breathing patterns was irradiated using static and VMAT beam deliveries. Using the RADPOS 4D dosimetry system, point doses were measured inside and outside the tumor. Dose profiles were acquired using films along the motion path of the tumor (S-I). In addition to dose measurements, RADPOS was used to record the motion of the tumor during dose deliveries. Dose measurements were then compared against 4DMC simulations with EGSnrc/4DdefDOSXYZnrc using the recorded tumor motion. ResultsThe agreements between dose profiles from measurements and simulations were determined to be within 2%/2 mm. Point dose agreements were within 2σ of experimental and/or positional/dose reading uncertainties. 4DMC simulations were shown to accurately predict the sensitivity of delivered dose to the starting phase of breathing motions. We have demonstrated that our 4DMC method, combined with RADPOS, can accurately simulate realistic dose deliveries to a deforming anatomy moving with realistic breathing traces. This 4DMC tool has the potential to be used as a quality assurance tool to verify treatments involving respiratory motion. Adaptive treatment delivery is another area that may benefit from the potential of this 4DMC tool.

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