
Several methods could be used to measure the forces from skis or roller skis in cross-country skiing. Equipment that could measure medio-lateral forces may be of good help for investigating the relevant skating techniques. The aim of this study was to validate a pair of newly designed two-dimensional force measurement roller skis. The vertical and medio-lateral forces which were perpendicular to the body of the roller ski could be measured. Forces were resolved into the global coordinate system and compared with the force components measured by a force plate. A static and dynamic loading situation for the force measurement roller ski was performed to reveal the validity of the system. To demonstrate whether the force measurement roller ski would affect roller skiing performance on a treadmill, a maximum speed test with the V2 technique was performed by using both normal and force measurement roller skis. The force-time curves obtained by these two different force measurement systems were shown to have high similarity (coefficient of multiple correlations > 0.940). The absolute difference for the forces in the X and Z directions over one push-off cycle was 3.9−33.3 N. The extra weight (333 g) of the force measurement roller ski did not affect the performance of the skiers. Overall, the newly designed two-dimensional force measurement roller ski in this study is valid for use in future research during daily training for skate skiing techniques.

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