
To evaluate the psychometric properties in terms of validity and reliability of the scale Self-efficacy and their child's level of asthma control: Brazilian version. Methodological study in which 216 parents/guardians of children with asthma participated. A construct validation (factor analysis and test of hypothesis by comparison of contrasted groups) and an analysis of reliability in terms of homogeneity (Cronbach's alpha) and stability (test-retest) were carried out. Exploratory factor analysis proved suitable for the Brazilian version of the scale (Kaiser-Meyer-Olkim index of 0.879 and Bartlett's sphericity with p < 0.001). The correlation matrix in factor analysis suggested the removal of item 7 from the scale. Cronbach's alpha of the final scale, with 16 items, was 0.92. The Brazilian version of Self-efficacy and their child's level of asthma control presented psychometric properties that confirmed its validity and reliability.


  • Asthma is a chronic disease that presents high mortality indicators in developing countries, especially in low-income populations, to which risk factor reduction strategies and adequate control of the illness are still incipient[1].Childhood asthma is considered complex, multifactorial and distinctly severe

  • The ratio of participants per item was 12.76 and the tool could be submitted to this type of statistical analysis

  • Validation through factor analysis confirmed the existence of two domains in the Brazilian version of the scale through the scree plot, which displays all the components that must be kept with eigenvalues present in the downward curve that are above the first curve, because these factors justify most data variance[16]

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Asthma is a chronic disease that presents high mortality indicators in developing countries, especially in low-income populations, to which risk factor reduction strategies and adequate control of the illness are still incipient[1]. Childhood asthma is considered complex, multifactorial and distinctly severe. It demands a systemic and integrated care approach, with a focus on pharmacological and nonpharmacological aspects[2,3] and special attention to health education and support from healthcare teams and guardians[4]. Asthma control depends on behavioral factors, and selfefficacy is an important predictor of therapeutic[5] adherence and an additional tool to control the disease[6]. When associated with the development of skills and competencies, self-efficacy helps tackle asthma management complexities, impacting the quality of life of affected people and morbidity indicators positively[8]

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