
ICT plays an essential component in Higher education institutes (HEIs).A critical step in confirming that the results to be achieved are reliable in solving a study's problem is content validation. The goal of this research paper is to describe usage of survey instrument Content Validity Index (CVI) to confirm content of survey instrument created based on ICT acceptance impact on students' academic performance. The content validity index was used to determine the usability of a survey questionnaire. Ten field specialist/professionals were selected, and used Expert Panel Rating chart (EPRC), the opinions of these experts were considered using an approach of item-level CVI (I-CVI) and scale-level CVI (S-CVI). While certain latent variables and study items were either eliminated or changed, the outcome achieved an acceptable level of validity for the remaining items maintained systematically. In conclusion, students’ academic performances will be analyzed to assess the generally performance of the proposed model.

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