
Rainfall erosivity is a measure for the erosive force of rainfall. Rainfall kinetic energydetermines the erosivity and is in turn greatly dependent on rainfall intensity. Research hasbeen conducted to validate monthly rainfall erosivity derived from the Tropical Rainfall MeasuringMission (TRMM) Multisatellite Precipitation Analysis(TMPA)3B43 version 7 usingraingauge data analysis from 2003 to 2012. Rain gauge located in the south Bali regions wereemployedto monitor erosivity value from two different methods that are base on Bols (1978)andAbdurachman(1989). Therelationship of erosivity and their other factor from TRMM3B43andrain gauge data statistical analysis measures consisted of the linear correlation coefficient,themean bias error (MBE), and the root mean square error (RMSE). Data validation wasconductedwith point-by-point analysis. The results of these analyses indicate that satellitedatahave lower values than the gauge estimation values. The point-by-point analysis indicatedsatellite data values of high to very high correlation, while values of MBE and RMSEtendedto indicate underestimations with high square errors. Moreover,monthly rainfall erosivityderived from TRMM give high correlation from both methods, with has high bias androot-mean-squareerror. In general, the data from TRMM3B43 version 7 are potentially usabletoreplace rain gauge data based on erosivity estimation, but after inconsistencies and errorsaretaken into account.

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