
A review of modern Russian methods for diagnosing and evaluating speech pathologies is presented. Classifications of speech disorders from the standpoint of clinical practice, pedagogy, psychology, speech therapy and linguistics are considered. The relevance of the study is determined by the need to systematize the existing diagnostic material of speech disorders and its description. The works presented at the moment, devoted to the topic, are fragmented and incomplete, which is explained by their practice-oriented nature. Methods of different authors have a similar structure and include tests to assess cognitive, speech and neurodynamic functions. It is noted that the biggest drawback today in the clinical theory and practice of diagnosing speech disorders can be called a large number of diagnostic methods for patients with aphasia and their almost complete absence for patients with speech disorders caused by other diseases or conditions. The main part of the article is devoted to a detailed description of traditional and relatively recently developed by Russian practitioners and theorists of test batteries for diagnosing speech disorders. The review of the methods and their analysis made it possible to highlight a number of common features, determine gaps and identify a number of tasks for their subsequent joint solution by specialists in the field of medicine and linguistics.

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