
Improving the voting system has become a widely discussed issue. Paper-based elections are not safe because of the possibility of changing and adding ballots. Consequently, many countries use e-voting systems to ensure security, authenticity and time efficiency. Blockchain e-voting systems can be adopted to reduce fraud and increase voting access from home, especially in pandemics. This paper suggests a blockchain e-voting system that tackles two security and authentication issues. The security has been ensured using hybrid public-key cryptography; the voter information is encrypted using the regional election office elliptic public key, while the homomorphic public supreme election authority encrypts the vote. Using homomorphic encryption for voice enables the calculations of results as the authority encrypts it without revealing the vote itself. Authentication has been improved for home voting by a robust login system. This login system consists of two steps. In the first step, the voter enters the site using his unique QR code number scanned by webcam; in the second step, the system checks the voter's face using a face recognition system by web camera to be routed to the voting page. Voting public keys are also authenticated using a digital certificate schema. The system has been tested to show its efficiency and suitability in block establishment time and the encryption and key generator randomness using NIST tests.

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