
The most complete Hungarian Valanginian perisphinctid ammonite fauna of the Mecsek Mountains (South Hungary) consists of 14 species is reported. Thurmanniceras sp. aff. otopeta, Fuhriella michaelis, F. cf. hoheneggeri, Sarasinella cf. ambigua, Neocomites (Neocomites) subtenuis, Neocomites (Eristavites) platycostatus are reported for the first time from Hungary. The fauna comprises 23 ammonite species and is reported from Valanginian tuffaceous marl, alternating marl–limestone beds and loose limestone blocks. Two studied sections represent the Lower Valanginian Thurmanniceras pertransiens and partly the Busnardoites campylotoxus Zones while ammonites from loose blocks indicate the latter and possibly the Upper Valanginian Saynoceras verrucosum Zone. Variations in the faunal composition of the marl beds and the limestone blocks respectively, refer to the contrast between the ammonite ecological demands. Phylloceratid and lytoceratid ammonites prevail the marl beds, while olcostephanid and neocomitid ammonites prevail the shallower platform-like limestones. Sediment accumulation rate in that palaeo volcano related environment was high and bottom currents frequently washed together ammonite shells or filled their body chambers with smaller ammonite shell fragments. Due to the fast sedimentation the sections represent only partially the recognized ammonite zones therefore long-term or even infra-regional correlation was not possible. Palaeobiogeographically, the ammonite fauna has Mediterranean character and it shows close relationships to the Valanginian faunas of the Bakony Mts. (Hungary), Western Carpathians (Slovakia), Northern Calcareous Alps (Austria), and SE Spain. The presence of Fuhriella species is remarkable and enlarges our knowledge on the distribution of this enigmatic ammonite taxon adding new data to its Valanginian stratigraphic position and geographic distribution.

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