
Hypothesis/aims of study. It is assumed that intestinal dysbiosis, as well as bacterial vaginosis, may be one of the risk factors, and in some cases, the direct cause of pregnancy complications. This study was aimed to assess the intestinal and vaginal microbiocenosis composition in women with threatened miscarriage and normal pregnancy.
 Study design, materials and methods. The study involved 68 women aged 18 to 35 years (mean age 27.6 0.7 years) in pregnancy from 6 to 18 weeks. The main group consisted of 38 women with threatened miscarriage. The control group included women (n = 30) with normal pregnancy. Patients of the main and control groups were examined in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Health order No. 572n. In addition, a qualitative and quantitative microbiological analysis of vaginal discharge and feces was performed using the real-time polymerase chain reaction method.
 Results. Vaginal dysbiosis was detected in 60.5% of pregnant women of the main group and only 13.3% of women of the control group. In the main group, grade II dysbiosis was found in 23.7% of cases, and grade I dysbiosis in 36.8% of cases, while in the control group, these grades were found only in 3.3% and 10% of cases, respectively. Intestinal dysbiosis was diagnosed in 100% of the examined pregnant women. In patients of the main group, intestinal dysbiosis was detected as follows: grade I in 29% of cases, grade II in 52.6% of cases, and grade III in 18.4% of cases. In patients of the control group, the disorders corresponded mainly to grade I (83.4%) and, to a lesser extent, grade II (16.6%) dysbiosis, there being no cases of severe dysbiosis revealed.
 Conclusion. Women with threatened miscarriage had the most pronounced dysbiotic changes in vaginal and intestinal microflora compared to the control group. Vaginal dysbiosis was combined with intestinal dysbiosis in 100% of cases in patients of the main and control groups, and the degree of dysbiotic changes in the vaginal microflora was directly proportional to the degree of intestinal dysbiosis.


  • Vaginal dysbiosis was detected in 60.5% of pregnant women of the main group and only 13.3% of women of the control group

  • Intestinal dysbiosis was diagnosed in 100% of the examined pregnant women

  • Women with threatened miscarriage had the most pronounced dysbiotic changes in vaginal and intestinal microflora compared to the control group

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Дисбиоз влагалища был выявлен у 60,5 % беременных основной группы и только у 13,3 % женщин контрольной группы, при этом в основной группе дисбиоз II степени обнаружен в 23,7 %, а дисбиоз I степени — в 36,8 % наблюдений, в то время как в контрольной группе — всего лишь в 3,3 и 10 % случаев соответственно. У пациентов основной группы в 29 % наблюдений был установлен дисбактериоз кишечника I степени, у 52,6 % — II степени, у 18,4 % — III степени. У женщин с угрозой прерывания беременности наблюдались наиболее выраженные дисбиотические изменения как вагинальной, так и кишечной микрофлоры по сравнению с контрольной группой. У пациентов и основной и контрольной групп в 100 % наблюдений дисбиоз влагалища сочетался с дисбактериозом кишечника, при этом степень дисбиотических изменений микрофлоры влагалища имела прямую пропорциональную зависимость от степени дисбактериоза кишечника

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