
Section Vaccinium L. A deciduous shrub with horizontal subterranean rhizomes. Aerial shoots erect, up to 70-100cm in length (but usually much less), glabrous or puberulent, terete, brownish. Leaves 6-25 (35) x 4-12 (-20) mm, obovate, entire, obtuse to subacute, glabrous, glaucous, conspicuously reticulately veined; margin of the blade slightly revolute (Fl. Eur. 3). Vaccinium uliginosum has a sympodial branching system with the terminal bud producing flowers in spring while shoot growth continues from the uppermost lateral buds (Shevtsova et al. 1995). Flowers 4or 5-merous, in racemes of 1-4 which terminate short branches bearing only scale-leaves; peduncles glabrous (Warming 1908). The 4-5 calyx lobes are short, broad and obtuse; the calyx is persistent and accrescent (Fl. Eur. 3). The corolla is subglobose or ovoid, pale pink or white, white-greenish; 4-5mm long and 2.5-4.0mm broad with 4-5 reflexed very short lobes. The 8-10 stamens are apically dehiscent, appendages short (a little shorter than the anthers) and subulate, with glabrous filaments (Fl. Eur. 3). Pollen tetrad diameter ranges between 35.8 and 48.3 ,um (Oldfield 1959; Paquereau 1959; Hebda 1979; Hegi Fl. 1, ed. 3; Warner & Chinnappa 1986; Jacquemart 1993b). Style included, longer than the anthers. The number of ovules averages 84.9 + 6.5 per flower and the number of tetrads is about 550.0 + 86.6 per anther (Jacquemart 1993b). Flowers have a pleasant, sweet, aromatic perfume which is somewhat reminiscent of Asperula odorata (Warming 1908). Fruit a berry, bluish-black, with a glaucous bloom, globose to ellipsoid, sweet and edible, 5-9mm (Jacquemart 1993b) or 7-10 mm (Hegi Fl. 1, ed. 3), with a moderate number of viable seeds (mean + SD of 12.5 + 11.2), together with 16.7 + 10.4 enlarged ovules and 54.6 + 14.2 undeveloped ovules per berry (Jacquemart 1993b). Seeds dark brown, 1.3-1.7mm; seed coat reticulate-alveolate. Seed fresh mass 0.240.30 mg (Kondratiouk & Chabarova 1968; Guitian et al. 1994). Native, principally in acid upland, heaths and bogs; rarely on calcareous soils (McVean & Ratcliffe 1962).

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