
Epidemiological studies have shown that acute coronary events, heart failure, atrial fibrillation with fast ventricular rate and brain stroke events have increased prevalence in winter season. Infections have a pivotal role in triggering such events. Vaccination against influenza and pneumococcus has been documented to prevent such events in large epidemiological studies. Majority of the deaths during Corona virus-19 (COVID-19) pandemic were related to cardiovascular event apart from serious lung condition. Vaccination has been proven to reduce risk of recurrent hospitalizations and death especially in sick and frail patients with heart failure, chronic obstructive lung diseases, renal failure and acute coronary syndromes. It becomes more relevant in countries like India where patient has to pay huge amounts for hospitalization from the pocket. On the other hand, it reduces unnecessary strain on the healthcare manpower and resources. Practice of vaccination in addition to guidelines based pharmacological, device or surgical therapy, is to help both the patients and physicians.

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