
Introduction: vaccination in adolescence has received growing scientific attention in recent years. This age group’s vulnerability to a number of preventable diseases, including some STDs, has a relevant impact in morbimortality, and caused it to be included in the National Immunization Program (Programa Nacional de Imunizacao). Objective: to check the influence of vaccination in a Basic Health Unit (BHU), analyzing vaccination records, data from the Ministry of Health, and the degree of knowledge demonstrated by adolescents and their guardians regarding these preventable diseases. Method: a household survey was carried out with a selected population of adolescents and/or their guardians, within the area covered by a BHU in northeastern region of Belo Horizonte – MG. Simple random sampling was the method used and the research was performed with 210 adolescents. Results: the main age group was 15-19 years (55.23%), corresponding to teenagers who answered the questionnaire. Guardians who participated totaled 149 respondents. Vaccine coverage established by the adolescents’ personal vaccination cards showed that 39 were up to date with their schedules shots, 111 were behind and 60 did not respond. Yellow fever vaccine had the lowest coverage among

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