
To report on vaccination status by 12 months of age among tribal children from nine districts of India. Cross-sectional study of 2631 tribal women having a child aged 12 months or below from nine Indian districts with a considerable proportion of the tribal population. Socio-demographic details, reception of various vaccines by 12 months of age, mother's antenatal care utilisation and health system-related details were collected through a pre-tested, interviewer-administered questionnaire from mothers. Multiple logistic regression analysis was used to identify the factors associated with complete vaccination by 12 months of age. Only 52% of children were fully vaccinated by the age of 12 months among the tribal populations; 11% did not receive any vaccine, and 37% of the tribal children received some vaccines. The age-appropriate vaccination was unsatisfactory as only 75% of the infants received all birth dose vaccines, and only 60.5% received all doses by 14 weeks. Only 73% were vaccinated against measles. Illness of the child, home births and communication gaps concerning vaccination were the main reasons for an infant not being vaccinated appropriately. Frequency of health worker's visits to the village, hospital birth, reception of advice on vaccination and educational status of the head of the households were significantly associated with full vaccination status. A relatively low proportion of children were fully vaccinated among the tribal populations. Health systems factors, mainly the outreach services and advice by the health workers, were positively and significantly associated with a child being fully vaccinated by 12 months of age. Improving outreach services is crucial to improve vaccination coverage in tribal areas, and there is a need to address the social determinants in the long run.

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