
Little has so far been known about the role of antigen-presenting cells (APCs) in the activation of T cells by superantigens. Recently several studies showed that superantigens could directly activate purified T cells in the presence of CD28 costimulation. Here we investigate V beta expression of T cells activated by the superantigen toxic shock syndrome toxin-1 (TSST-1), plus CD28 costimulation, in the absence of APCs. The aim of this study was to ask if TSST-1 activated purified T cells in the presence of CD28 costimulation with the same specificity as in the presence of APCs. We provide evidence that the specificity of TSST-1 to human V beta, in the presence of CD28 costimulation, is identical to that in the presence of APCs, with V beta 2 being significantly expanded. The results indicate that the main role of APCs in the superantigen-mediated T cell activation may be to provide T cells with CD28 costimulation.

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