
Publisher Summary This chapter describes the coherent population trapping in laser spectroscopy. Coherent population trapping may be also described as the pumping of the atomic system in a particular state, the coherent superposition of the atomic states, which is a nonabsorbing state. The exciting radiation creates an atomic coherence, such that the atom's evolution is prepared exactly out of phase with the incoming radiation and no absorption takes place. The chapter discusses the basic properties of an atomic system prepared with the coherent population-trapping superposition of states and outlines experimental observations concerned with the establishment of coherent trapping in different discrete systems. The chapter also discusses the theoretical and experimental aspects of trapping that involve states of the continuum and reviews the theoretical and experimental features associated with coherent population trapping in laser cooling, adiabatic transfer, lasing without inversion, pulse matching, and photon statistics. The theoretical aspect of coherent population trapping created by spontaneous emission is also discussed in the chapter.

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