
Freedom is one of the qualities that distinguishes man from other beings living on earth. It is thanks to freedom that a person can take a different attitude towards life than the people around him. Freedom gives people a choice, which they often do not exercise by imitating the behaviour of others. Being a free person means, among other things, freedom from addictions and dependencies that take control of life and do not allow one to enjoy its full benefits. They are the most radical manifestation of the destruction of freedom. And it is not just addictions to drugs or alcohol, but also addictions to activities such as spending time in front of the phone, gambling, sex. As they proceed, a person respects himself less and less and becomes more and more a slave. Being in an addiction, one loses control over one's own life, one's whole functioning becomes more or less disturbed, and consequently one loses freedom. A life without addictions is happy and free from all the limitations they impose on man. Key words: freedom, addiction, drugs, alcohol, sex, gambling

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