
The present paper analyzed the UV-Vis spectrum characteristics of phycocyanin extracted from 75 water samples around Meiliang Bay of Taihu Lake, China in spring, summer and autumn, 2011, taking standard sample of phycocyanin, Micro-cystic aeruginosa and Anabaena cultured indoor as the reference, and discussed the difference and relation of spectrum among water samples, standard sample and single algae samples. According to the number of absorption peak in the wavelength range from 500 to 700 nm, phycocyanin spectrum of water sampling in Taihu Lake can be divided into three patterns: no peak, single peak and two peaks. In the first pattern, the absorbance changed smoothly and no absorption peak was observed around 620 nm. Depending on the absorption difference in the wavelength range from 300 to 450 nm, this pattern can be divided into type I and type II. Type I only had a absorption peak near 260 nm, with the similar spectrum of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) in the wavelength range from 250 to 800 nm. Type II had absorption peak respectively near 260 and 330 nm. In single peak pattern and two peaks pattern, significant absorption peak of phycocyanin appeared around 620 nm. Compared to the other patterns, single peak pattern was more similar to that of standard sample and single algae samples, but different in their maximum absorption peaks position and relative absorption intensity in the wavelength range of 250 approximately 300, 300 approximately 450 and 500 approximately 700 nm, because of different algae species and purity after extraction. In the two peaks pattern, another absorption peak appeared at 670nm, with the absorption shoulder from 350 to 450 nm, and shared the absorption characteristics of phycocyanin and chlorophyll complex protein. The research can provide a basic support for the phycocyanin quantitation and blooms monitoring in Taihu Lake.

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