
Two simple, easy, and rapid methods were developed for the determination of glucose reducing sugar in various soft drink samples and total reducing sugars in honey sample. A colorimetric method was developed to analyze the soft drink samples (non-diet and not dark colored) and titrimetric method was developed to determine the total reducing sugars in honey sample. The various soft drink samples obtained from market were analyzed for the glucose content in them using UV-Visible spectrophotometry and DNSA solution. The DNSA imparts color to the sucrose standard and samples and later the absorbance values were checked at 580 nm. The calibration curve of the standard sucrose solution was plotted and the concentration of the samples were determined using the calibration curve. The titrimetric method is based on the principle of Lane Eynon method for determination of reducing sugars and it involves two steps: standardization of invert sugar and titration of honey solution using Fehling’s A and B solutions. There were no titrimetric methods available in literature for determination of total reducing sugars with use of simple reagents. Hence the proposed methods were developed which are rapid, and reliable.

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