
Ultraviolet (UV) signal is found in the wings of many butterflies and moths. UV reflectance arises due to the arrangement of scales which causes interference. Only a specific portion of the wing possesses UV signal. Mostly, they include the white or bright spots or patterns present in the wing. The UV signal present in the wing of butterflies and moths is to provide intra-as well as interspecific signal communication [1]. Eyespot or eyelike spot, which is used to protect the animal from the predator, also possesses UV signal [2]. The butterflies which possess UV signal in the eyespot have better protecting ability than the one without it [3]. Each species has its own UV reflection pattern to reduce the confusion with the nearest species. Although we are not able to see the UV signal since human eye has sensitivity only in the visible range, butterflies and moths use it as the main signal for communication [4]. This study analyzes the UV reflection pattern of two different families of Lepidoptera (Papilionidae and Nymphalidaea) not described in earlier studies.

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