
UV and IR photochemistries of malonaldehyde, the simplest molecule exhibiting an intramolecular proton exchange, have been studied in four cryogenic matrices at 4.3 K, N2, Ne, Ar, and Xe. Samples have been irradiated using a UV and IR OPO type tunable laser, and with a broad band UV mercury lamp. UV and IR spectra have been recorded and compared with theoretical calculations carried out at the SAC-CI/6-31++G(d,p) (UV transitions) and B3LYP/6-311++G(2d,2p) (IR spectra) levels of theory. After deposition, the intramolecularly H-bonded form is found exclusively, while several open forms are formed upon UV irradiation. These open forms show ability to interconvert upon UV irradiation too. Some of them are also able to isomerize upon selective IR irradiations. The whole set of results allowed us to identify seven isomers among the eight postulated. The photodynamics of the electronic relaxation of malonaldehyde have also been investigated. By following the decay or rise of suited specific vibrational bands in the IR spectra, and by comparing the results with an earlier study of the homologous acetylacetone, we deduced that the electronic relaxation of malonaldehyde proceeds through singlet states, most probably through a 3-fold conical intersection, as postulated from theoretical calculations. In contrast with acetylacetone, malonaldehyde does not show fragmentation after UV excitation.

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