
The investigated region is located in the western desert fringes of the Nile Valley which requires studies of groundwater related to the many projects of land reclamation. The key objective of this paper is to estimate the qualitative and geometrical features of the investigated aquifer. Using 60 vertical electrical sounding and time-domain electromagnetic soundings allows us to suggest one possible model of the geometrical features of the local aquifer. A hydrogeological monitoring has been undertaken to investigate the current groundwater situation at the Gallaba plain. Such hydrological monitoring has not been undertaken before in detail. The results show that the investigated region has high groundwater potentialities in two main aquifers which belong to Pleistocene: shallow fresh water and deep brackish water. The lithological and structural elements contribute mainly to recharge and store the groundwater in the western part of the River Nile in Kom Ombo graben. The geochemical properties of the groundwater of the studied aquifers reflect meteoric water, which is a fresh to slightly brackish water. The small amount of groundwater salinity arises from silicate weathering and evaporation processes occurring in the aquifer matrix. Moreover, most of the studied groundwater samples are unfit for human consumption. Such samples are very satisfactory for livestock and poultry purposes and they can be used for irrigation using modern and improved irrigation methods e.g. sprinkler and drip methods. Furthermore, the hydrogeological monitoring of the concerned area indicates that it has high groundwater potentialities which will support its sustainable development.

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