
Since their inception, artificial intelligence and smart technologies have been enticing topics that have evolved at a rapid pace. There has been no cessation of investment in this sector. Large enterprises recognize the advantages of AI, as seen by the fast expansion of investment, whether financial or in the form of acquisitions. Intelligent teaching systems that would be valuable additions to education, specifically in teaching, are not designed to replace teachers, but rather to aid them in teaching in order to enhance and make teaching more accessible. A review of recent research on students’ and educators’ attitudes towards artificial intelligence and its degree of applicability will be provided. Based on this work and previous research by the Croatian Academic and Research Network on online education, specifically the use of technology in the online teaching environment and the creation of video content, a new study was conducted, and the findings will be presented to demonstrate that content generated using smart technologies is more likeable, acceptable, and desired. Additionally, it will be shown that expanded use of intelligent technology and AI inside and across the educational process may result in better knowledge and awareness of both current and future difficulties.

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