
Healthcare systems have severe privacy and security concerns. Several solutions had been proposed to address the privacy and security issues; however, these solutions have several limitations. Block-chain technology has limited applicability in healthcare systems security because of many limitations in confidentiality and integrity of patient data. This research aims to improve privacy for efficient data collection with keyless signature infrastructure to create a reliable and secure environment. The proposed system consists of an enhanced privacy and block validity that generates a hash signature, block header, and blocks of data along with its public and private key pairs that ensure data authenticity. Differential privacy is used to increase the specific time for creating the file because it provides the contribution proof of each file. Our simulation studies results show minimum intrusion and found the probability of falsification attack in the range of 0-1. It provides an increase in differential privacy by 34.5 -35.6% and block validity by 13- 13.5%. The proposed system focuses on data transmission techniques that permit data subjects to monitor, agree, and notify the processing of their sensitive data r. Finally, this study enhances the security ad privacy issues of data transmission with blockchain technology during data transmission in healthcare systems.

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