
Metal hydrides have high hydrogen atom density, which is equivalent to that of liquid water. An application of the hafnium hydride has been investigated as a neutron absorber in the Fast Breeder Reactors (FBRs). Fast neutrons are efficiently moderated by hydrogen in Hf hydrides and are absorbed by Hf. Since three isotopes of Hf have large cross sections, increase in the life of control rod is considered by Hf hydride. Results of design study of the core with Hf hydride control rods shows that the long lived hafnium hydride control rod is feasible in the large sodium-cooled FBR. Results of irradiation test conducted in BOR-60 has demonstrated the integrity of the capsules during irradiation. Na bonded capsule has an advantage in confinement effect of hydrogen compared with He bonded one. An application of hydride technique to transmutation target of MA was also discussed. MA hydride target is able to enhance the transmutation rate in FBR.

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