
Based on the publication of the Detailed Spatial Planning (RDTR), it is necessary to prepare land use balance to overcome land-use problems, such as the land-use allocation that isn’t suitable with its planning. The existence of the Lorong Indah residential area in the middle of agricultural land of Margorejo Village is considered to have violated the Pati Regency Regional Regulation (Perda) Number 2 of 2021 which claims this area as a Sustainable Food Agriculture Area (KP2B). Land use balance data has an important role in the preparation of LP2B. This study aims to provide recommendations for potential LP2B based on land use balance information. Land use balance analysis used is the analysis of land-use suitability for KP2B and analysis of land availability for LP2B. The method used in the land use analysis is an overlay method between the land use balance data. The study result shows that the level of land-use suitability to KP2B is 96.25%. The land availability class is dominated by land that isn’t available for LP2B with an area of 718.37 ha out of 8,410 land parcels. The result of the LP2B recommendations is dominated by the non-recommended class with an area of 743.28 ha out of 9,173 land parcels due to the large number of land parcels that aren’t included in KP2B plan area. Efforts to control the conversion of agricultural land must continue to be improved, because this condition has great potential to cause rapid growth, so agricultural land conversion is also increasingly massive.

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