
ABSTRACT The ability of Grewia tenax fruit dried-ground (GTF-DG) as a source of antioxidants, and the influence of varying concentrations (0, 2, 4, and 6%) of GTF-DG on beef burger quality after 21 days of refrigerated storage, were explored. GTF-DG contained high phenolics and flavonoid contents and, therefore, displayed strong DPPH, radical ABTS, and ferric-reducing activity. The GTF-DG effectively stopped the development of bacterial strains at 100 g/disc. The burgers’ pH did not change significantly after the addition of GTF-DG. The burger’s antioxidant content and activity increased when GTF-DG was added at 4 and 6%, resulting in a significant decrease in microbial spoilage and lipid oxidation throughout the storage. GTF-DG caused a significant (p ≤ .05) improvement in burger cooking parameters. Burgers with 4% and 6% GTF-DG had higher sensory acceptance (p ≤ .05) than other treatments. In conclusion, burgers’ shelf life can be improved by the bioactive components in GTF-DG.

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