
A physically educated person is characterized as an individual who has the motivation, competence, understanding, and knowledge to enjoy physical activity in a healthy way. Given that physical literacy (PL) development is a lifelong process, the recording of the process, called charting, has critical importance in PL development. This study aimed to explore features of student participation in an e-portfolio for charting PL and its impacts on student learning. Participants were 10 middle school students selected on the basis of gender, technological competence, and interest in physical education. Participants took part in PL charting programs for 10 weeks by utilizing an e-portfolio developed by the researcher. Data were collected from semi-structured interviews with participants and student work samples retrieved from the e-portfolio. The features of students’ PL charting in the e-portfolio were categorized as (a) digital fumblers, (b) superficial participants, (c) passionate creators, and (d) journey reflectors, depending upon the levels of technological competence and motivation for PL recording activities. Participation in PL charting through an e-portfolio (a) enhanced sense of achievement and motivation for future PL growth in students, (b) enabled students to obtain tailored strategic support from the teacher, and (c) helped them perceive learning as continual growth. The findings of this study suggest an e-portfolio can be a viable tool for PL charting by providing opportunities to keep track of students’ learning process and reflect on their PL-related learning activities.

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