
Posterior maxillary tooth loss frequently coincides with loss of available bone volume for implant placement due to both atrophy of the residual crestal bone and enlargement of the maxillary sinus. The longer the teeth have been missing, the greater the loss of osseous structure that may house implants. This necessitates augmentation of the maxillary sinus to provide adequate bone to place implants. Maxillary sinus augmentation with various bone graft material have become routine treatment over the past 38 years. Various materials have been utilized including allografts, xenografts and synthetics with varying levels of success as measured by the amount of graft maturation and its density to support implants following healing. As the use of autogenous blood products has increased in dental surgery for both soft and hard tissue applications, those materials have expanded into use when augmenting the sinus. As blood biology has grown in use with regard to grafting using the patients own blood to supply growth factors and other patient derived products, grafting has improved the clinical results we are able to achieve. These blood derived products have been mixed with packed osseous graft materials to help improve the quality and quantity of the resulting graft following healing. The case presented in this article demonstrates graft maturation as evidenced by density can be achieved using CGF alone with no added osseous graft materials. The benefit of this approach is no issues with the potential of a patient reaction to the packaged osseous graft material that are typically used and cost of treatment is reduced as packaged products are not utilized in the sinus augmentation procedure.

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