
Field experiments conducted in 1988 and 1989 evaluated clomazone alone and in a systems approach for weed control in peanut. Clomazone PPI at 0.8 kg ai/ha controlled common ragweed, prickly sida, spurred anoda, and tropic croton better than ethalfluralin and/or metolachlor applied PPI. POST application of acifluorfen plus bentazon was not needed to control these weeds when clomazone was used. Acifluorfen plus bentazon improved control of these weeds when clomazone was not used and generally were necessary to obtain peanut yields regardless of the soil-applied herbicides. Alachlor PRE did not improve clomazone control of any weed species evaluated. Fall panicum and large crabgrass control was similar with clomazone or clomazone plus ethalfluralin.

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