
Globus pharyngeous is not an uncommon disorder. The precise pathophysiology remains unclear. The aim of this study was to assess the clinical value of videofluoroscopy and ambulatory pH monitoring in patients with globus pharyngeus. Twenty-three patients (11M/12F, age range = 21-74 yr, mean = 50 yr) with globus pharyngeus entered the study. Radiographic examination of the pharynx and esophagus included videofluoroscopy and static radiography. A dual probe to measure the proximal and distal intraesophageal pH was inserted for 24 h. The results of dual-probe pH monitoring were normal in all patients. Videofluoroscopic results were abnormal in 8 patients, with 5 patients having laryngeal aspiration, 2 having stasis of barium in the vallecula and pyriform sinuses, and 4 having poor pharyngeal elevation. Cervical osteophytes were found in 13 patients with a frequent location at the C5-6 level. Ambulatory pH monitoring seemed to be less helpful for the evaluation of globus pharyngeus without reflux-like symptoms. Pharyngeal dysfunction is detected in a substantial proportion of patients by videofluoroscopy and radiography.

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