
AbstractVery often it is observed throughout the world that there would always be excavation activities related to construction of any project. Most of these excavations are interlinked with underground utilities. Excavation is most commonly defined as an activity that involves creating or removing any soil or land or creating a depth on normal ground level using certain mechanisms. Underground utilities are various mechanisms through which usually something or some energy is transported. Very often these excavation activities lead to accidents and some with major property damage and fatalities. These accidents occur most commonly due to various causes such as poor inspection, lack of safe operating procedures, improper techniques, incompetency, cost cutting by companies, lack of communication etc. But, these accidents can be averted to a huge extent using certain factors or tools used for identifying its presence while excavating. Some of these tools are utility locators, ground penetrating radar systems, following safe work practices or procedures, continuous reviewing of excavation work, training the workers engaged in work to increase their competency, putting forward or adhering to statutory or legal requirements, etc. Utilities consist of various types of systems such as power cables, gas lines that may be highly flammable and pressurized water supply lines. Making it more complex and hazardous while excavation work is being done. Identifying the type of utility while excavating sometimes serves as key to avert an accident while excavation is being done. Utilities are being damaged by the excavation process which often results in injuries, fatalities, power loss, delay in projects and large repair costs which occur due to inaccurate visible location and depth perception. This paper reviews data on damage that is caused due to excavation on underground utilities, the causes of damage, colour coding of different types of utilities, utility damage prevention techniques and control measures which are adopted.KeywordsExcavationUtilitiesDamageDirect contactInaccurate visible locationInaccurate depth perception

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