
This paper provides a compendium of the utilisation potential of aquatic invasive plants found in the Owabi Dam in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. In total, seven aquatic invasive plants were identified in the Owabi Dam, which included Ceratophyllum demersum, Nymphaea odorata, Polygonum lanigerum, Arthropteris orientalis, Typha domingensis, Pistia stratiotes, and Cyprus papyrus. Some of the identified invasive plants were found to be highly nutritious and suitable for human consumption or use as feed for livestock, fish, and poultry. Other plants had high medicinal potential and aesthetic value. Several of the invasive plants were suitable for bio-industrial usages as feedstock to produce biofuels, insecticides, and biofertilizer, among other products. Therefore, if an effective utilization method of these currently unutilized aquatic invasive plants is established, it can provide a source of livelihood and income generation for individuals and households and contribute to controlling the impact of invasive plants on the Owabi Dam.

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