
Instructional media are device or materials which present a body of instructional input and are largely self-supporting rather than supplementary in teaching-learning process. Remedial instruction involves using individualized teaching of students who are experiencing difculties in specic subject areas. In this study, the investigator measured teachers' utilisation of instructional media in remedial teaching. To nd out the utilisation of instructional media for remedial teaching in science among college teachers. The investigator has adopted the survey method for the study. In the study, the following demographic variables were considered as an independent variable: Gender (Male / Female), Designation (Associate Professor /Assistant Professor) and Type of institutions (Government / Aided / Private). The population considered for the study consists of college teachers working in the science departments (Physical Science, Bioscience, Mathematics and Computer Science) of arts and science colleges which are afliated to Periyar University, Salem, Tamil Nadu, India. The sample of the study 591 college teachers were selected as a sample for this study from 48 arts and science colleges located in the Periyar University jurisdiction. The simple random sampling technique was adopted for data collection. In this present study, the investigator developed and standardized the tool combine personal proforma and questionnaire on utilisation of instructional media for remedial teaching in science (UIMRTS). The reliability value was found to remedial teaching in science was 0.80. The data collected from the sample were analyzed by using appropriate statistical technique. The investigator used test of signicance viz., independent sample t-test and one-way ANOVAto analyze the data and summarize the results. The ndings of the study were concluded that the variables like gender and designation are there is no signicant difference in utilisation of instructional media for remedial teaching in science. Whereas the variable type of institution was there is a signicant difference in utilisation of instructional media for remedial teaching in science among college teachers.

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