
Physical activity is one of the most important external factors in the development of children. When we talk about the physical activity of children, we mean their overall activity that relates to the work of muscles, regardless of the form it takes: attending physical education, play, sports recreation or sports activity. The basic feature of the age of school children is intense growth and development, as well as the creation of positive preconditions that will affect the child`s health. In addition to the social component provided by the family, the physical factor is also significant. Kinesi-factor is significant because it creates a positive climate for growth and child development. The increase in the number of obese children in Serbia is primarily a result of insufficient physical activity and poor nutrition. The data indicates that 60-85% of children who are obese at school age also transmit this characteristic in adulthood, which leads to damage to their health, primarily cardiovascular diseases of the heart and blood vessels, but also diabetes, psychosocial disorders, etc. Regular participation in sports activities in children contributes to a better mood, regulation of emotions, reduction of resistance, improvement of the quality of sleep and healthy habits, development of self-confidence, and consequently better success in school. That is why physical education is one of the most important subjects in school and an integral part of a child's life.The goal of physical education is to contribute to the integral development of pupils, personality development (cognitive, affective, motoric), development of motor skills, acquiring, improving and applying motor skills, improved habits and the necessary theoretical knowledge in everyday and specific conditions of life and work, by using various and group motor activities in connection with other educational areas. Often, the term health is added to the term physical education, which certainly points to the goals of this subject and the necessity of its presence in the educational process. By finding scientific methods that quantify the impact of physical activities on the health and development of the child, the opinion about physical education in schools has significantly changed, and the tendency of increasing the number of hours, both regular classes and hours of sports activities can be noticed as well.

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