
Lung cancer remains one of the most frequent and the deadliest of malignant diseases throughout the world. Target and immune therapy have revolutionalized the treatment of this disease, but platinum-based chemotherapy still has a place in the treatment algorithm. The toxicity profile of cisplatin is well known and can be a limiting factor in the adequate treatment delivery of the drug. There are important inter-individual differences in the efficacy and the toxicity of all chemotherapy drugs, which cannot be explained solely by the characteristics of the tumor. In order to define predictive factors for the occurrence of toxic effects, numerous genetic alterations have been investigated - especially single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). The investigated genes are those involved in DNA repair mechanisms, signal pathways of apoptosis, DNA synthesis, transport mechanisms, but often with inconclusive and opposing results. It is clear that the effect of SNPs on the occurrence of cisplatin toxicity cannot be explained by investigating just one or several genes alone, but epigenetic interactions must be investigated, as well as interactions with outside factors. The study of SNPs is, however, a relatively simple and inexpensive method and, as such, can be used as one of the prognostic tools for everyday practice.


  • Spasić J. et al Uticaj genskih polimorfizama na toksičnost platinske hemioterapije u lečenju pacijenata sa metastatskim nesitnoćelijskim karcinomom pluća

  • U njihovoj seriji, nosioci GA+AA genotipova Arg399Gln XRCC1 gena imali su povišen rizik za pojavu hematološke toksičnosti (p = 0,009), a nosioci GG genotipa Ser326Cys OGG1 gena i GG genotipa APE1-141 niži rizik za pojavu gastrointestinalne toksičnosti (p = 0,015 i p = 0,023) [47]

  • Nosioci C alela polimorfizma rs104522 TP53 gena stariji od 55 godina pod većim su rizikom za nastanak gastrointestinalne toksičnosti gradusa 3 i 4 [54]

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Principi citotoksične hemioterapije

Hemioterapija predstavlja primenu hemijskih supstanci za terapiju određenog oboljenja. U onkologiji, hemioterapija je primena jedne ili više supstanci koje sprečavaju rast tumora tako što ubijaju tumorske ćelije ili sprečavaju njihovu deobu. Najčešći hemioterapijski režimi u prvoj liniji lečenja uznapredovalog karcinoma pluća zasnivaju se na primeni platinskih dubleta [6]. Prema mehanizmu dejstva, spadaju u grupu interkalirajućih agensa jer stvaraju DNK adukte putem kovalentnih veza, što remeti sekundarnu strukturu DNK [10]

Mehanizam dejstva cisplatina
Neželjena dejstva hemioterapije
Toksičnost cisplatina
SNPs kao prediktori toksičnosti platinskih agenasa u karcinomu pluća
Geni uključeni u popravku DNK
Geni uključeni u NER sistem popravke DNK
Geni uključeni u BER sistem popravke DNK
Geni MMR sistema popravke DNK
Geni uključeni u signalni put apoptoze
Geni povezani sa transportom platinskih lekova
Geni uključeni u metaboličke procese i detoksikaciju
Geni uključeni u sintezu DNK
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