
U-Th-Pb systematics study of Allende inclusions showed that U, Th and Sr concentrations in Ca, Al (pyroxene)-rich chondrules and white and pinkish-white aggregate separates of Allende are five to ten times higher than those of the matrix, whereas Mg (olivine)-rich chondrules have U and Th concentrations about twice as high as the matrix. Th concentrations are extremely high in white aggregates and in pinkish-white (spinel-rich) aggregates while U and Sr concentrations in white aggregates are more than twice as high as those in pinkish-white aggregates. Large enrichment of these refractory elements in the white aggregates indicates that they contain high-temperature condensates from the solar nebula. The Pb concentrations in the inclusions are less than half of those in the whole rock and matrix, indicating that the matrix is a lower-temperature condensate. The isotopic composition of lead in the matrix is less radiogenic than that of the whole meteorite, whereas lead in Ca- and Al-rich chondrules and aggregates is extremely radiogenic. The 206Pb/ 204Pb ratio reaches as high as 55.9 in a white aggregate separate. The lead of Mg-rich chondrules is moderately radiogenic and the 206Pb/ 204Pb ratio ranges from 18 to 26. A striking linear relationship exists among leads in the chondrules, aggregates and matrix on the 207Pb/ 204Pb vs 204Pb/ 204Pb plot. The slope of the best fit line is 0.6188 ± 0.0016, yielding an isochron age of 4553 ± 4 m.y. The regression line passes through primordial lead values obtained from Canyon Diablo troilite. The data, when corrected for Canyon Diablo troilite Pb and plotted on a U-Pb concordia diagram, show that the pink and white aggregates and the Ca-Al-rich and Mg-rich inclusions have excess Pb and define a chord which intersects the concordia curve at 4548 ± 25 m.y. and 107 ± 70 m.y. The intercepts might correspond to the agglomeration age of the meteorite and a time of probably later disturbance, respectively. The matrix and some chondrules which contain less radiogenic lead did, however, not fit on the chord. The Rb-Sr data of Allende did not define an isochron suggesting that the Rb-Sr system was also disturbed by a later event, as suggested by the U-Pb concordia data. The lowest observed 87Sr/ 86Sr ratio in Allende inclusions is similar to the initial ratio of the Angra dos Reis achondrite (Papanastassiou, Thesis, 1970). The initial Pb isotopic composition of Orgueil calculated by a single-stage evolution model is more radiogenic than that of Canyon Diablo troilite. To reconcile the U-Pb data of Orgueil and Allende, we propose that the initial lead isotopic composition of the carbonaceous chondrites was slightly different from that of Canyon Diablo troilite Pb.

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