
According to the Ministry of Health for 2022, we registered 932.2 thousand births, which is the highest figure since independence. The total fertility rate (number of births per 1,000 inhabitants) was 26.2 –in 2022, which falls into the category of countries with a “moderately high” fertility rate. The purpose of the study was to assess the condition of the postoperative scar in women who underwent cesarean section. The study is based on a clinical and laboratory examination of 103 women of reproductive age with a history of one uterine scar, who was under observation in the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the multidisciplinary clinic of Samarkand State Medical University for the period from 2020 to 2022. Thus, it can be noted that there is an improvement in the concentration of type XXVI collagen in postpartum women who have undergone a full course of rehabilitation measures after childbirth, which, in turn, indicates abetter restoration of damage to the genital organs, including the condition of the scar.

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