
Uterine rupture during labor is a serious complication resulting in maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality. We present the extremely rare case of a 38-year-old gravid woman admitted with labor pain at term, about to experience a uterine rupture during labor. She had previously twice delivered vaginally, and during her third pregnancy had a low transverse Cesarean section. Prior to arriving at the hospital with labor pains, she had routine prenatal care with normal prenatal laboratory tests. One day the woman reported to having sudden epigastric pain, and 40 minutes after her admission a pelvic exam was completed. The unborn baby had a persistent fetal bradycardia of 60 beats/min and after 14 minutes, an emergency Cesarean section was performed. A complete uterine rupture was revealed, and a live neonate was promptly delivered with an Apgar score of 1 at one minute and 5 at five minutes. On the fifth postoperative day the woman and her baby were discharged home with no maternal and neonatal complications.

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