
The occurrence of uterine fibroids was reported in a number of guinea pigs treated for several months with estrogens.1Extrauterine abdominal fibroids also were induced in guinea pigs injected sub-cutaneously with estrogens in the course of 4 months.2 Fibroids appear even if quantities as small as 5 γ of the monobenzoic ester of estradiol per injection or a total of 400 γ are given in the course of 3 months.† All estrogens, free or esterified, natural or synthetic, proved to be tumorigenic.3 Tablets of estradiol introduced beneath the skin may induce fibroids as early as in 3 weeks.4 There is an enormous variability as to the localization of uterine and extrauterine fibroids, although when a sufficient number of animals is observed, some typical localizations can be established. A survey of these localizations of experimental fibroids is given in the present paper (Figs. 1-16) based on the results of the autopsy of several hundred females to which the following 10 estrogens were administered : estrone, est...

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