
The problem of Indonesian language errors among students is of particular observation. This problem becomes an important concern for students majoring in journalism because one day the graduates will become journalists. A language error filtering application has been developed that can be used quickly and accurately in journalists’ work. This application, which involves statistical analysis, computational language, and artificial intelligence, is named U-Tapis. This study was aimed at finding out the feasibility and effectiveness measures of the U-Tapis model by focusing on the language of students’ journalistic works such as opinions, news items, and news articles. The study involved 30 students majoring in Journalism, a private university in Jakarta, Indonesia. It was found that the students’ error rate decreased after the use of the model. It can be concluded that, in addition to eligibility which reaches 92.31%, the U-Tapis application can help effectively increase students’ proficiency in the use of the Indonesian language.

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