
The renal urea transporter gene (UT-A) produces different transcripts in the inner medullary collecting ducts (UT-A1) and thin descending limbs of Henle's loop (UT-A2), coding for distinct proteins. Peptide-directed rabbit polyclonal antibodies were used to identify the UT-A2 protein in renal medulla of mouse and rat. In the inner stripe of outer medulla, an antibody directed to the COOH terminus of UT-A recognized a membrane protein of 55 kDa. The abundance of this 55-kDa protein was strongly increased in response to chronic infusion of the vasopressin analog 1-deamino-[8-D-arginine]vasopressin (DDAVP) in Brattleboro rats, consistent with previous evidence that UT-A2 mRNA abundance is markedly increased. Immunofluorescence labeling with the COOH-terminal antibody in Brattleboro rats revealed labeling in the lower portion of descending limbs from short-looped nephrons (in the aquaporin-1-negative portion of this segment). This UT-A labeling was increased in response to DDAVP. Increased labeling was also seen in descending limbs of long-looped nephrons in the base of the inner medulla. These results indicate that UT-A2 is expressed as a 55-kDa protein in portions of the thin descending limbs of Henle's loop and that the abundance of this protein is strongly upregulated by vasopressin.

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