
Abstract A description is provided for Ustilago vaillantii . Information is included on the disease caused by the organism, its transmission, geographical distribution, and hosts. HOSTS: Species of Bellevalia, Chionodoxa, Muscari, Scilla, Albuca altissima, Eucomis punctata, Gagea lutea, Hyacinthus ciliatus . DISEASE: Anther smut of Muscari, Chionodoxa, Scilla and many other small spring-flowering Liliaceae . Infection is systemic, and when severe results in failure to flower and occasionally death of the bulbs. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION: Widely distributed in western Europe, extending eastwards to USSR; China and Japan; North Africa (Algeria, Egypt, Morocco); South Africa; USA. TRANSMISSION: No experimental evidence available, but presumably ustilospores are dispersed by wind, water-splash and pollinating insects to bulbs and seedlings. Once established, infection passes from parent to new-formed bulbs.

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